Timeless state of beauty
Who are we?
Our shop
Margjelo Filigran Albania, is especially a manufactory of silver filigree: jewellery, souvenires and other personalised products. We also make other crafts as loom textiles, embroidery, crocheting or knitting as this crafts, rappresent perfectly the albanian womens work in the past and now. At owr shop. We collect other artisanal products, made by the north Albania artisans. Visiting Margjelo Filigran...
Travel agencies from all over Albania can reach us
Filigree work is a precious part of the Albanian cultural heritage and as such we welcome in our laboratory Albanian and foreign tourists, so that we can show you closely the work processes of this ancient craft. We cooperate with any tour operator interested in this tourist attraction added to the city of Shkodra.
Preserving culture and tradition
Filigree work has been a tradition for centuries in the city of Shkodra and Albania. This craft was widespread in Albania, especially in the city of Shkodra until the early 90s, but after the 90s change of system and with hundreds of albanians leaving the country, the youth gave no interest to this craft, risking the the disappearance of tradition. We are proud to be among the last artisans who still know how to work this craft in our city, and we are also working to pass on the younger generations this precious part of our cultural heritage.
Our work
Contact us
Dichiaro di aver letto e di accettare i termini e le condizioni
Autostrada Shkoder-Lezhe, Km7
4001 Shkoder, Albania
Tel: 00355677173444

This website is sponsored by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania.